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The Other Side

I should have brought my sweater I thought to myself sitting on the park bench, wrapping my arms around my body and holding myself close to keep warm. The brisk wind blowing in my face, my hair flowing gracefully in the wind, what a wonderful feeling!! Being alive and feeling the beautiful wind on my face. I couldn't ask for anything more!


  Startled, I look up. I see a chipmunk running from branch to branch. I think to myself a moment and begin to giggle. What a strange thing to be startled by. The leaves above my head begin to rustle in the wind. Curious, I look up and see the wondrous beauty of this season called fall.


  The leaves have slowly begun to change colour. Most of which are still green. Yet, I see the odd one that has begun to change. I see an orange one, a yellow one and a half leaf that is mixed. Almost like it can't decide what colour it wants to be. Maybe, just maybe, it is fighting the cooler temperatures so we don't have to face a dreary cold winter. Perhaps it just doesn't want the summer to end. At this point, we all feel this way. Unfortunately for that little leaf, the multicoloured one, this is a battle it is going to lose.


  I wonder what that poor little leaf is thinking about this battle between summer and fall. In the corner of my eye, I see a leaf fall from the very same tree that is fighting the same battles we are all fighting with the changing of the seasons. The poor leaf. That fallen leaf has lost its battle, with many more losses to come.


  The wind has stopped, but I would imagine only for a brief moment. I return my gaze to the wondrous beauty around me. Still sitting on the bench with my arms wrapped around myself, I wonder where my summer has gone and where the winter will take me.


  I get up from my warm little spot on the bench and I begin to walk in a direction that I am unsure of. This is my sanctuary, my home away from home. A place where I can collect my thoughts and a place to dream. A place where I can lose myself and find the real me.


  With my feet dragging, I walk at a comfortable pace, not losing sight of what I pass by. Hearing the leaves crunch under my feet, my thoughts cease and I look around to see what else this haven has brought me so much joy for so many years. In the distance, I can see a couple walking hand in hand, stealing looks, smiles and the occasional kiss. What a perfect time for love I'd say.


  This time of year brings back so many memories. I remember this very spot as though it was yesterday. Seeing that young couple so very much in love. Know that many years ago, I felt that too when I walked through here with my husband. The picnics we'd have under that pine tree and the naps we would take by the lake. Sigh. Great memories that I have forgotten from a long time ago. Perhaps in my mind they were forgotten but so very much alive in my heart.


  I stop, suddenly feeling butterflies in my stomach. I look up to see our names engraved in the apple tree. Wow! It's still as fresh as it was when he first carved it! I raise my hand to the bark that bears witness to our love for each other. My eyes begin to flood and my heart begins to ache. How I truly do love this time of year.


  You see, this is the very tree that my husband and I got married under so many years ago. The very place where we said our I do's and that we would be together until death do us part. And after so many obstacles, and accomplishments, I can honestly say that we did just that. Today is our 50TH anniversary.


  I am on my way to see him, but you should know one thing. My husband passed away eight years ago. I come to this very spot every year on our anniversary. I somehow feel closer to Charles this way. Today however, I have brought someone special along, my grand daughter. She attends most of these walks with me and she too feels a sense of closeness to her grandfather. So many memories shared with him here. We're on our way to visit him.


  With her by my side and Charles in my heart, I am not sad. I am the happiest I have been in a long time. Julia, my grand daughter, has brought an unknown amount of joy to my life that I am no longer afraid. Knowing what I have yet to learn from this wondrous beauty, I can live at peace with myself and know that this is just one more season that I get to cherish and one more thing to tell my husband when I meet him on the Other Side.


Burgundy Waters 2001




**I'm in the process of writing my first novel. Please tune in to my website for progress info!**